2009年3月17日 星期二

1. What's the specific difference between the term of "meaningful learning" and " transfer"? Both of them involve the previous experience and knowledge.

2. Is it a kind of "systematic forgotten" that unable to call to mimd the vocabulary which once you remembered well?

2009年3月10日 星期二



2009年3月9日 星期一

1. I agree the theory that people is more difficult to acquire second language successfully after the "critical period hypothesis" (hemispheric lateralization) 、(after the age of puberty). But I still unsderstand the point is "why especially in "authentic"(nativelike) pronunciation.

2009年3月6日 星期五

Prof. 周惠那 Providence University.

2009/03/05 13:20
其實,學生們才是建構者,學生要被給予機會與時間一步一步的建構出他們的理解,透過質疑、假設、蒐集資料、閱讀、討論或辯論、再質疑、再假設 . . . 之過程將知識內化為智慧。
My reflection: Many teachers are busy to explain the knowledge of text book witouout giving students some opportunities trying to intalize in class because the instructors don't have extra time allowing students by themselves to discover or digest theories gradually unless allocating some assignments about the topic which covered in the class. Besides, the type of class lecture is a habitual way in Taiwan. Almost Taiwanses are taught by this way since in the school ages which the teacher talked almost in whole class period.

2009年3月4日 星期三

1. What are the differences between "Content Validity" and "Criterion Validity"?

2. TOEFL test is a kind of "communicative test". Because its testing sections fit the three of four characteritics of communicative test: 1. information gap 2. intergration of test tasks and content within a given domain of discourse 3. attempts to measure a much broader range of language abilities.

3. The oral test of IELTS is a "live" performance and involves a one-on-one tester/test-taker relationship, but TOEFL test doesn't ( it records the oral production by computer)

2009年3月3日 星期二

1. What is "building blocks og language"? Grammar, lexicon, phonology, etc. ? (will write down the full idea and decription of my personal own words when I have an extra free time)

2. What's the definition of "word attack"? (P.377)
(One of guidelines for communicative treatmemt of vocabulary instrucrion is "Encourage students to develop strategies for determing the meaning of word. "---> A number of "clues" are avaliable to learners to develop "word attack" strategies. H. Douglas Brown. (2001). Teaching by Principles. Second Edition. Pearson: Longman.

3. I often use the electronic pocket dictionary to check the English vocabulary which I don't know. But it gives me the fresh reflection when I read this paragraph ( one of the guidelines for communicative trearment of vocabulary instruction, P.377-->"Play down the role of bilingual dictionaries.") : Learners are easily tempted to punch in a word they don't know and get an instant response. It is unfortunate that such practices rarely help to internalize the words for later recall and use. H. Douglas Brown. (2001). Teaching by Principles. Second Edition. Pearson: Longman. ----> Why? Do because we look up the words immediately without gussing it from the paragraph or we learn it without enough authenticity (but we learn it which embedded in context)? In my opion, I think the reason thatvocabulary is hard to later recall and use because the stimulative times are not enough. That's why many scholars advocate "extensive reading". We learn a new lexicon which appearing enough number of times then storing into our long-term memory. And what do you think?