2009年3月3日 星期二

1. What is "building blocks og language"? Grammar, lexicon, phonology, etc. ? (will write down the full idea and decription of my personal own words when I have an extra free time)

2. What's the definition of "word attack"? (P.377)
(One of guidelines for communicative treatmemt of vocabulary instrucrion is "Encourage students to develop strategies for determing the meaning of word. "---> A number of "clues" are avaliable to learners to develop "word attack" strategies. H. Douglas Brown. (2001). Teaching by Principles. Second Edition. Pearson: Longman.

3. I often use the electronic pocket dictionary to check the English vocabulary which I don't know. But it gives me the fresh reflection when I read this paragraph ( one of the guidelines for communicative trearment of vocabulary instruction, P.377-->"Play down the role of bilingual dictionaries.") : Learners are easily tempted to punch in a word they don't know and get an instant response. It is unfortunate that such practices rarely help to internalize the words for later recall and use. H. Douglas Brown. (2001). Teaching by Principles. Second Edition. Pearson: Longman. ----> Why? Do because we look up the words immediately without gussing it from the paragraph or we learn it without enough authenticity (but we learn it which embedded in context)? In my opion, I think the reason thatvocabulary is hard to later recall and use because the stimulative times are not enough. That's why many scholars advocate "extensive reading". We learn a new lexicon which appearing enough number of times then storing into our long-term memory. And what do you think?
